Mon 27 Jan
🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 FLICKS BABE 📸 📸 📸 📸 📸 📸 INCALLSONLY 60$ Quick Visit - 21
(Memphis, Memphis Tn raleigh(901) 616-1031)
New in ToWn, Ol' Country girl wants to have a "GoOd TiMe!!"BRIGHT CITY NIGHTS - 29
(Little Rock, Littlerock and surrounding areas)
👑●❣●⭐♥⭐• *• :•.🌟.•: * •●❣ ●💢YOUR * •●❣●💢DREAM * •●❣●💢GIRL *•●❣● • * :•.🌟.•: * • ⭐♥⭐●❣●👑 - 26
(Tyler, Tyler/Longview Surrounding Outcall Only)
___ ** PRETTY & PETITE ** ___ ( H0T ) _Blonde___--> SPiNNeR.. *Up Late * H0T Specials! - 23
(Dallas, *Uptown*) in & 0utcall hot! specials)
Rain soaked specials and Sinful Deeds with a HOT Wicked Angel *** in Kilgore (903)702-1345 - 43
(Tyler, Discreet in KILGORE Tx (incalls only))
S** A* T* I* S* F* A* C* T* I* O* N _ .. u tell us what u got and we will make u happy - 20
(your place r mine)
💰💵Want 2Treat yourself like a king??? Dont Settle For Anything Inbetween!!!💵 💰 - 24
(Tyler, Longview and surrounding areas)
New N Town 💋 G O R G E O U S ⭐ MIXED 💋 M A M I⭐FATHERS DAY SPECIALS.... 469-463-8252 - 22
(Tyler, Loop 323)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 26
(Dallas, Denton, Fort Worth, Texarkana, Texoma, Tyler, Wichita Falls, everywhere)
°°°~~ H£@V£N ~N~ KRISTI ~~°°° Sn£@k Aw@Y & C0m£ Pl@y °°°∞ - 23
(Tyler, tyler and all surrounding areas)
BoMbShElL BrUnNeTtE {♥} Y.O.U.R •:*:• E.R.O.T.I.C •:*:• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} #1 UpScAlE CoMpAnIoN - 25
(Tyler, tyler 69/loop 323)
1OO% Rεaℓ▬🎀▬ Upscαℓε♥♥ßεαuty ▬🎀▬♥αvαiℓabℓε! ▬🎀▬♥OUTCALL ONLY - 26
(Longview mtpleasant surroundingareas, Tyler)
))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= I_M ( COMING) = B_A_C_K =_♥ - 24
(Tyler, Longview Ncall Outcalls will b avail)
*!*~Thick, Sexy, Redbone*!*~In your town ONE night only *!*~ Want to play ;-) - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia Mo)
NEW (*S* -W- *E* -E- *-T-) 💜 (*A* -N- *D*) 💜(-A- *D* -*D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V- *E*) - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, columbia & surrrounding areas)
❌⭕❌⭕ █ █ █ █ █ Elegant 🌴 Upscale 🍒Body Rubs For GENTLEMAN's Relaxation ✦🌺🍀✦ Gorgeous Girls █ █ █❌⭕❌⭕ - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia)
☆-☆ Luscious Curvy *MILF* in Sexy Lingerie -♡-♡ Something A Little Different ☆-☆ - - 37
(Kansas City, Kansas City Metro - Your Place)
Local women looking for a one night stand in June and July - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Brittany 😍 One & Only 🙈Dominican Princess 💜 Let Me Be Your Host 💦(660) 324-2666 - 20
(Columbia, Columbia/Jeff City)
❌❌BOYS 🍭play 🔥with TOYS 🍭MEN💗 play w/ME❌❌❌BiG b🍏🍏ty FrEaK💟 - 26
(Columbia/Jeff City, como jc lake st roberts-appointment only, Lake Of The Ozarks, St. Louis)
💗💋 Visiting Columbia 1 Night ONLY!! 👑 Don't Miss Out! 👑💋 Reviewed Busty Blonde 💋💋 - 31
(Columbia/Jeff City, Visiting Columbia Available Now!!!)
◆☆◆ Your PERFECT Date ◆ OR ◆ NAUGHTY Tryst with YOU & Your WIFE ◆☆◆ (NO MEN UNDER 40 YEARS OLD) - 41
(Lake Of The Ozarks, LAKE of the OZARKS ☆ Incall & Outcall ☆)
Wednesday Specials, Come in out of the cold with, Austin, Shelby, and Tiffany, - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Columbia,)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* T*h*e C*H*E*R*I P*A*T*C*H* G*I*R*L*S *¨¨*-:¦:-* New Girls - 21
(Columbia/Jeff City, CoMo)
☾ThicK & BuSTy☽ ➧ ☾Prєττվ & Plaվful☽ ➧ ☾KiNKy & FREAKy☽ ➧ ☾CurVy & CuTe☽ ➧ ☾SєXվ & FLiRTվ☽ ➧ ☾$99HH☽ - 34
(Kansas City, KCI AIRPORT , Zona Rosa IN/OUT)